How Does IIoT Improve Supply Chain Management and Logistics?

The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is an integral part of the Internet of Things (IoT) that is implemented in the manufacturing and supply chain industries. The The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) can link to the gazillions of industrial machinery and gadgets that make use of big data and machine learning. The IIoT becomes crucial for supply chain operations due to its ability to facilitate quicker and more accurate decision-making.

Here’s how IIoT functions in supply chain management (SCM) for those who are unfamiliar. The set of real-time data on the commodities being deposited and carried, inventory level and shipping status, environmental conditions in warehouses and vehicles, etc., is made possible by internet-connected devices such as temperature sensors, humidity sensors, GPS trackers, etc. After that, the raw data is processed, saved, and analyzed on the cloud to allow for continuous end-to-end supply chain tracking and quick response to any changes.

IIoT integration to bring long-term benefits for supply chain and logistics

The The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) integration improves supply chain and logistics through the applications of connectivity and advanced technology. Some of the applications used are cybersecurity, cloud computing, edge computing, mobile technologies, machine-to-machine, 3D printing, refined robotics, big data, IoT, radio frequency identification (RFID) technology, and cognitive computing.

However, there should be standardization of IIot, IoT, 5G-based communication, and secure GPS, and it calls for the creation of integrated standards. After the integrated standard will have been created, the supply chain industry and logistics industry can adopt the standard. Although it may appear challenging at first, the integrated standard will bring long-term benefits to them.

The supply chain and logistics industries need to push for an integrated standard that works across multiple industries. For instance, the growth of Web 2.0 is created when standardized applications are integrated with the concept known as a mash-up.

A study demonstrated early on how this integration could create a “Web of Things.” Such integration will benefit global multi-industries and connect supply chain management and the logistics industry. As a result, not only does the integration benefit the supply chain and logistics industries, but it also brings benefits to the shipping container industry.

The use of GPS container trackers is one of the positive examples brought about by the IIoT integration through AI-enabled sensors. The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)-based GPS trackers provide shippers with specific information on the routes taken during shipping and surrounding environments. It does provide assurance of safe transits and trackable cargo during shipping.

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